Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Gospel of Jesus Christ

 This week has been a strugggllleeee. I'm definitely homesick, and I'm definitely not as happy as I wish. 

But as I went through p day yesterday I realized something. How marvelous and wonderful it is that I had the opportunity to be called of God to be a missionary for him. Don't get me wrong I definitely am not the biggest fan of being a missionary, but I am grateful that at this time and moment i am one. 

People complicate the gospel sometimes. They think of the logistics and the nitty gritty things of the church, and I did too. Coming out on my mission I did not know if I even could say I had a testimony of the gospel. But then I was taught what Christ's gospel is 

Faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement 
Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost 
And enduring to the end 

And that is it. This is the foundation to all of Christ's gospel. We are imperfect men and women right now. By nature we are selfish, entitled, jealous, and judgmental. But through Christ and HIS gospel we can be "converted" to Him, and we can begin to overcome the natural man. When we simplify the gospel of Jesus Christ all it is is love, faith, ordinances and covenants, and trust. All He wants us to do is to find the truth of His word. Jesus Christ was baptized by the Aaronic priesthood when he was on this earth. And that is absolutely crazy to me. Ya know? He was perfect and He still chose to be baptized. 

God said, "This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased".  He says that to each and every one of us when we are baptized by his power and authority. This is my beloved daughter, this is my child, in whom I am well pleased. Because Christ came to this earth, all of us are saved by Him if we choose to be, but the only way we can be exalted is by the power and authority of God through these covenants that he has restored to this earth. Exaltation and salvation are two very different things. Being saved is being resurrected. That is what is means. It means that all of us will be resurrected one day and that if we so choose, through Christ, we have the ability to be forgiven and exalted on high. Exaltation requires a little more effort though. In the process of being exalted we become Gods.  That's not the only good part though . . . we get to be with our Heavenly Father and Mother for all eternity, and the best part is we get to spend eternity with the person on this earth that we choose to spend eternity with. My husband. And for men their wife. That. That is the best part. That is amazing. That is the most amazing, coolest, craziest, wowza thing I've ever heard of. I love this gospel, I love the temple, I love Jesus Christ, I love my Heavenly Parents, and I can't wait to be with them. 

Please pray for these friends that we are working with and love:
Dimond and Damien

Love y'all 
Have a great week. 

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The Gospel of Jesus Christ

  This week has been a strugggllleeee. I'm definitely homesick, and I'm definitely not as happy as I wish.  But as I went through p ...