Monday, May 27, 2024

Writing While At The ER!!

 Hey everyone!!

The was my first week in the MTC and by the subject you can see God's been pranking me all week hahaha.

To give a little context, on Sunday I started to feel pretty sick . . . I'm pretty sure it was actually just the toxic food that the MTC provides, but my stomach just kept getting worse and worse through the week. This morning I woke up doubling over in pain so me and my amazing companion went to the doctor on campus and then we got sent to the ER!! I'm fine . . . not to worry, but the funny thing is that yesterday me and Sister Bay were looking out the window watching the world, and I was jokingly pretending to bang on the window yelling "Let me out!!" Well, God is good because now I'm out! Everything is OK though! We're negative on appendicitis and I got some amazing meds to help my tummy be ok now so yay! 

Next prank that God pulled on me and Sister Bay was when we had to teach a lesson this week. We had this lady's background information and kind of got a baby lesson prepared based on her background and her needs. We were so not prepared for this lesson and we kept joking around saying, "Oh we'll be lead by the Spirit it will all be ok. Well, it was not ok because as we walked into our appointment, the person was not a lady named Tyra!  It was a man named Michael.... so God really taught us the actually we are going to teach based off the Spirit hahaha. It was kinda a train reck of lesson but hey we got through and that's what matters.

I saw Zion Goodwin and Carston Juber in the MTC which is crazyyyyy but soooo fun!! They're friends from high school so It's good to see some familiar faces. I've also been teaching my district how much I love nature and how I like to kiss trees so there is a pic of me showing them and that was pretty funny. A couple other fun things is one of my roommates who's in my district is Sister Larsen and me and her are so destructive when we are together.  We have reenacted Twilight about 4 times in the last week and every time we see each other we slow motion run to each other. Funny thing she is going to my mission!  I'll let you all know if we are ever comps!!

Classes have been so good, the Sprit on this campus is so strong. It fun to see my district grow and change from the Spirit. Something that we have been focusing so much on this week has been repentance. Something they said that really struck me: "Repentance is turning away from your sins and turning towards God". I always had a scary view of repentance, when really all it really means to me is to turn to God and truly accept and love Christ. In repentance we sincerely confess and apologize but we move on afterwards . . . we don't dwell. We turn all of our sorrows and suffering toward God and Christ because that's all they want, for us to truly accept them. 

John 3: 16-17 
" 16 ¶ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."

God just wants us to accept and love Him with all our hearts. He does not want us to fear him . . . only to love and follow Him.

Anyways have a wonderful week every one!

2. Sis bay had pens that smell delicious.
3. My cute district
4. Me showing my district that I love trees
5. Us at a cool conference with good music 
6. Us at the Payson temple 
7. Me in the ER 

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