Sunday, June 23, 2024

Amen! Hallelujah!

So I missed last week . . . p-day was wild. And my district got mad at me for not playing basketball with them so they made me come play. Then I got made fun of because I didn't know the rules. But it was a party, love my district. Last week was pretty alright. 

Some highlights from last week: 

- We did service at a Baptist Church and listened to all the Baptists sing super loud and it was just like the movies which was awesome. Then they said a congregational prayer, and whenever the pastor said something that they liked they would say "Amen! Hallelujah!".

- I got my music set up and I'vve never been so happy. 

- We taught a friend last week her name was Fay and she is the cutest and sweetest lady in the universe. We taught her the first three points of PMG plan of salvation and one of my comps, Sister Sinclair, bore a super powerful testimony that struck Fay to the heart and it was so cool to see that fire of curiosity light up in her. We teach her this week so pray the fire is still ignited. 

- Our friend Helen that's on baptismal date came to church last week even though her cat died. Please please pray for her! She's going through a really hard time in life just in general so please please pray for her. 

- The sunsets are so incredibly pretty here and we got to go hiking last week which was a huge blessing for me I needed that. 

This week was probably the hardest week of my life for several different reasons . . . one being I have never ever been exhausted like I have in the last week. It's hard to be a missionary but I'm blessed to be in the South. 

Something that I've come to learn this week is what it actually means to put all your trust in God. That's all I have been able to do this week is put everything on Him and pray He will pull me through. There is a scripture I read on Fathers Day about our Heavenly Father from Moses 7:32, 35-36 

32 The Lord said unto Enoch: Behold these thy brethren; they are the workmanship of mine own hands, and I gave unto them their knowledge, in the day I created them; and in the Garden of Eden, gave I unto man his agency

35 Behold, I am God; Man of Holiness is my name; Man of Counsel is my name; and Endless and Eternal is my name, also. 

36 Wherefore, I can stretch forth mine hands and hold all the creations which I have made

This scripture really hit me this last week and honestly got me through this week. 
We had zone conference too which was pretty fun and good. But yeah it's been an alright last two week. Just grinding. Working for the lord 🙏

1 comment:

  1. Love you, Sarah!! Sounds like you're doing just GREAT! Thanks for the time and effort you're putting in as a missionary :)


The Gospel of Jesus Christ

  This week has been a strugggllleeee. I'm definitely homesick, and I'm definitely not as happy as I wish.  But as I went through p ...